Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Post 6 : Postgraduate Studies

Resultado de imagen de postgraduate studies

Hi bloggers : How have you been doing?   Here we're blogging again ! ..Our topic today is postgraduate studies, which immediately reminds me of the time when I decided to do a Master's in Linguistics at Universidad Católica  a looong time ago. I did it  3 years  after I'd graduated as a teacher. It was interesting, but very hard because I had to work and study a lot at the same time.  As far as I know all of you are doing , the  second  or third year of Agriculture or Natural Resources, right?  So in two or three  more years you'll be finishing your undergraduate program. Do you think you'd like to do some postgraduate studies? If so, what course would you consider doing in the future? Why? Where would you like to do it (Chile or abroad)?  How  would  you like to study (distance learning, blended system, part-time course, etc). Don't forget to make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post. Use 220 words.  Cheers.


  1. Ooof I can't imagine myself doing a major or something like that and working at the same time
