Thursday, 10 October 2019

Post 5 : My future job

Resultado de imagen para future job

Hello everyone : Nowadays when the topic of education as a means of social mobility  and all the implications of that fact, have been seriously questioned, analysed , and discussed , I think it is inevitable to relate education with future jobs, with your expectations about positions, jobs, salaries, types of work , etc When I was  at school I always wanted to work with English as a translator or an interpreter. However, the year I had to enter the university,  the career of Translation was closed. I was totally lost because it was the only one I liked. Then I decided to enter English Teaching at PUC  in order to change careers internally. How naive I was at 17 !!! It was impossible in practice. Desperate this time, I received the best advice from a teacher: " As a translator, you can't work as a teacher, but as a teacher you can work as a translator anywhere".  As easy as that! That's exacly what I've done in my professional development.  What about  you? what  have you thought about  it? For example, have you  planned to take a major after you graduate?  Explain why. What kind of job would you like to have? Describe it.What aspects would you consider  when choosing your job? If you were asked in a job interview about your strengths and weaknesses, what would you say? Use 210 words and don´t forget to leave comments on 3 of your partners posts.
See you in classes! Bye


  1. Thank you for teaching us to learn.

  2. is such a cool work being a english teacher

  3. It is simply admirable! The education is the most important!

  4. I just want to have a job that makes me happy, like yours :)
