Tuesday 26 November 2019

Post 9 : Changes to my study program

Resultado de imagen de study programme at college

Hi bloggers:  How is it going?  I  hope as good as possible  considering the present circumnstances..
Well, today's topic is about your study programme.  As ar as I can remember , my study program was quite good  n the English area, but in that  related to education, it was quite poor. For instance, all the subjects related to methodology and assessment , the teachers and programs were awful. Then I had to study those  areas by myself when I was already working. What do you think of  your study programme? What changes would you like to make?  You may focus on different aspects, such as : subjects, facilities, professors, field trips and any other area you'd like to. Use 250 words and don't forget to leave comments on your classmates' blogs and my own too.

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