Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Post 10 : English Language Challenges

Resultado de imagen de english language challenges

Hi bloggers : As you already know this is not only  our last post, but   also the end  of your  English Courses despite the unusual semester we've had.  Anyway,for my part in such a short semester, I must say I've learnt  a lot of things about students by reading their posts and looking at their pictures. Now, it´d be important  for you and us to know about your experience with blogs . Then,we´d like you to write this last post including the following information and some other you may want to:

> How did you like this subject at university? What about the use of blogs?
> What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?
> Outside the English class, how much are you using English these days? What for?
 Use 260 words and don't forget to make comments  on  your partners' posts and my own too.   See you

Post 9 : Changes to my study program

Resultado de imagen de study programme at college

Hi bloggers:  How is it going?  I  hope as good as possible  considering the present circumnstances..
Well, today's topic is about your study programme.  As ar as I can remember , my study program was quite good  n the English area, but in that  related to education, it was quite poor. For instance, all the subjects related to methodology and assessment , the teachers and programs were awful. Then I had to study those  areas by myself when I was already working. What do you think of  your study programme? What changes would you like to make?  You may focus on different aspects, such as : subjects, facilities, professors, field trips and any other area you'd like to. Use 250 words and don't forget to leave comments on your classmates' blogs and my own too.

Post 8 : Personal Opinions

Resultado de imagen para immigrants

Hi bloggers: Today's post is about personal opinions. In my case I'd like to talk about a topic that I 'm interested in : Immigrants.  This is a national issue nowadays considering the huge  number of people coming to settle down  in Chile. They have contributed with their own cultures, customs and habits sometimes for better  or for worse.  In recent weeks there's been a lot of discussion about the policies that are to be made in order to control and  standardise the process of immigration. What topic would you like to give your opinion about?  Use 250 words . Don't forget to leave  comments on my blog and on 3 of your classmates' ones. Cheers.

Post 7 : (Themed Post 3 ) Cooking Recipes

Resultado de imagen de cooking recipes

Hi everyone. Today's topic for blogging is the third  free one you chose : Cooking Recipes. First of all, I must say I love cooking because I enjoy eating,  trying  new  and unknown dishes, exotic spices, etc. Actually, I don't know any cooking recipe by heart, since  whenever I need one, I look it up in internet and   put it into practice. In those dishes that I know, I can do it and make some changes sometimes just at the moment of cooking. I love cooking fish, seafood, vegetables of all kinds, different types of salads, etc. The only thing I don't know how to prepare is desserts. no idea at all. Actually I've learnt to prepare just the things I like eating. Well , I've noticed that I 've been writing about cooking instead of recipes, but I don't know  any of them. What about you? Do you like cooking? If so, do you do it with a recipe in your hands or just improvise?  Use 230 words. Don't forget to leave comments on your classmates' blogs and mine too. C.U 

Post 6 : Postgraduate Studies

Resultado de imagen de postgraduate studies

Hi bloggers : How have you been doing?   Here we're blogging again ! ..Our topic today is postgraduate studies, which immediately reminds me of the time when I decided to do a Master's in Linguistics at Universidad Católica  a looong time ago. I did it  3 years  after I'd graduated as a teacher. It was interesting, but very hard because I had to work and study a lot at the same time.  As far as I know all of you are doing , the  second  or third year of Agriculture or Natural Resources, right?  So in two or three  more years you'll be finishing your undergraduate program. Do you think you'd like to do some postgraduate studies? If so, what course would you consider doing in the future? Why? Where would you like to do it (Chile or abroad)?  How  would  you like to study (distance learning, blended system, part-time course, etc). Don't forget to make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post. Use 220 words.  Cheers.