Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Post 3 : Free- Themed post : Pets

Resultado de imagen para pets

Hi bloggers: Long time no see!  Well , back again to posting. This time you're going to write about one of the topics you chose some time ago: pets. Personally, I must admit that this topic is not my cup of tea, since I'm not fond of  animals. However, I remember having some dogs when I was a teenager, but they were  street dogs that came home looking for food and  stayed till they died. What I mean is that they were not my pets. I saw them every day, but never touched them or played with them. I don't know why; probably because my mum doesn't like  any kind of pets "because they transmit infections" .. So during my childhood  I wasn't allowed  to touch or play with them.  I know what you're thinking: A totally histerical  mother raising neurotic  children: You are right!!!. But I'm sure you 've had a totally different experience. Can you tell me about  it?  Do you remember your first pets? Did you have any duties with them when you were little children? What about your pets now?
What do you think about the increasing number of people walking dogs everywhere now? Is it a fashion or  a necessity? Use 180 words and don't forget to leave your comments on my blog and  3 of your classmates' as well.  C U next week!

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Post #2 : The best holiday OR The best concert I've ever had

Hello bloggers : How  have you been doing? I hope everything's  great  . Well.  today we've got 2 topics for you to choose ONE: Your best  holidays or your best concert. As the latter is  not my cup of tea, I'll tell you about the first one.  .It's difficult for me to choose the best holidays because I've had several good ones, but perhaps the one that I usually remember because it was totally different from  all the other ones was when I was 19 years old and hitchhiked  from Stgo to Chiloe with a friend  during February. I visited lots of places and met lots of interesting people, but the most important was the  experience of solving problems, making decisions I'd never made before and realising  we were able to do it by ourselves.  What about you? Write about  when it was, where you went, how long it was, who you went with, what activities you did, why it has been your best  holidays so far  and add any other information  you consider relevant to the topic. The second option is to write about the best concert you've ever attended. Talk about when and where it was , what artist you saw, what you know about that artist, describe the atmosphere you  could see during the event, how you felt and why you enjoyed it and include any other memories about it. Remember you must chhoose ONE of the topics to write about.
In any one you choose, you've got to use 170 words and don´t forget to leave your comments on 3 classmates´. and your teacher's blogs    C U next week.
Resultado de imagen para concerts